Shipping Policy

All orders are shipped FedEx nationwide. No PO Boxes.

We are not responsible for shipment delays or damaged packages caused by FedEx..

We are not responsible for delivery delays due to the recipient not being home or incorrect contact or address information.

We want to make sure your Sister2Sister Cookies arrive fresh which is why we require 2nd day shipping.

All orders must be shipped on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so that your cookies are not sitting in a warehouse over the weekend.

Orders received after 12:00pm central time will be shipped on the following shipping day. Orders placed after 12:00 noon on Wednesday will be shipped the following Monday.

Please see the FedEx map to determine transit times. If delivery is more than two days, you will automatically be charged 2nd day air.

Multiple boxes going to the same address can be bundled together. Please call us for an accurate shipping price.